About Us

Events This Week

Apr 2

Faith Youth

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Faith Youth is currently partnering with Harvest Church who does not have a youth pastor. To ...
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Faith Youth

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Faith Youth is currently partnering with Harvest Church who does not have a youth pastor. To ...
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Apr 6

Sunday Worship Service

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

authentic worship~relatable sermon~warm community Join us at 7800 Telegraph Road for an ...
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Sunday Worship Service

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

authentic worship~relatable sermon~warm community Join us at 7800 Telegraph Road for an ...
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Sunday Worship Service

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

authentic worship~relatable sermon~warm community Join us at 7800 Telegraph Road for an ...
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What to Expect

We're thankful that you are interested in Faith Fellowship, and we want to be as helpful as we can to make your visit to our church a good experience. We want to be a blessing to you; we know your presence will be a blessing to us!


Some people dress up, and others dress casually. Come the way that you feel most comfortable.


Our nursery for infants and toddlers opens at the end of worship around 11 am. We believe children learn how to worship best from watching their parents worship.

Children in grades K-6 come to the Sanctuary upstairs with their families for the music part of the service, then have the option to go downstairs for Faith Kids Children's Church, where they have lessons, games, and activities that help them learn about God in ways they can understand.


On Sunday mornings, our youth are encouraged to stay in service with their parents. We believe that teens who attend church become adults who attend church. We also know teens need a space they can call their own, be themselves, make friends, and learn about God on their level. On Wednesday nights from 7-8:15, Faith Youth Group meets weekly to do just that! We have recently partnered with Harvest Church on Beulah Rd to combine our youth groups and expand our kids circles of christian friends. Check out the calendar to learn where youth group is meeting this week! Bring your teens and attend adult Bible Study while they dive into the Word.


This time is set aside for communicating with God from our hearts.  We have worship with a live band leading contemporary worship songs along with more traditional hymns. Everyone worships in their own unique way – for many, that means standing, singing, and clapping, and for others it means sitting and quietly reflecting on the words. You are welcome to do whatever helps you experience God in a meaningful way.


One of the ways we worship God is through the giving of tithes and offerings. As a guest, please do not feel any pressure to give.  This is an act of worship for our regular attenders, allowing us to thank God for what he is doing in our lives. As a result of the COVID pandemic, we no longer pass an offering plate during the service. Offering plates are available for in-person giving near each entrance to the Sanctuary. You may also choose to give online.


Every weekend, you will hear a thoughtful, engaging, relevant message based on Scripture that you can apply to your life right away. We find these messages will help you develop an authentic, growing relationship with Jesus Christ and provide a strong biblical foundation for your life.


We celebrate communion together monthly, usually on the first Sunday. Anyone who has made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ is welcome to partake of the bread and juice that represent Jesus' suffering and death for our salvation.


Our parking lot is accessible from Old Telegraph Road. If you are coming from Telegraph, turn onto Old Telegraph and then turn left immediately to enter the church parking lot behind the church. We have special parking spots for guests and pregnant mothers or those with infants. In the area closest to the church, there is handicapped parking and parking for seniors. The main entrance to the church faces Telegraph Road, under the big white pillars. An elevator for those who have difficulty with stairs is located at the back entrance (closest to the handicapped parking).